Jochen Ulmer


Jochen Ulmer was born in Stuttgart in 1968. In the late 80s he initially worked as an artist with pastels and watercolors. Since 1999 he has increasingly focused on oil painting. Master classes with Cristian Korn and Prof. Jo Bukowski followed. At the same time, Ulmer studied and received his doctorate in physics. He lives and works in Stuttgart. Stylistically, art history could classify Ulmer’s works as a further development of Picasso’s cubist phase, which was heralded with the creation of “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” (1907) and on which Picasso continued to work throughout his life. Aesthetic similarities can be found in the dissolution of the natural image into distorted fields, the insistence on two-dimensionality, the joy in a colorful, balanced diversity and the complete coloring and permeation of a consciously maintained unrest on the entire surface of the picture. While Picasso’s Cubism stands much more for the art-theoretical and technical debates of his time, while Ulmer is now more concerned with using this style, which he currently prefers, to engage with issues of our own time. But it could also work in a different style. His own life between physics, i.e. natural science, and art as an engagement with nature and humans as thinking and feeling beings is reflected in his work. Just as the language of mathematics helps describe the world from the perspective of physics, Ulmer sees color in art “as a mediator between worlds”. In doing so, says Ulmer, “[art] underlines the importance of the discovery process through her own language.” Ulmer examines and researches reality using both languages – the mathematical and artistic language. He sees both forms as a homage by humans to their existence as beings who can consciously perceive and reflect on their being. Jochen Ulmer has been exhibiting his works regularly since 1993. He also has a permanent exhibition at Gallery Milmar International, Carmel USA. Since 2024 he has been represented internationally by the LDXArtodrome Gallery.
1993 „Lichtspiele” Aquarell-Collagen, Dresdner Bank Zweigstelle Marienplatz, Stuttgart 1994 „Lichtspiele” Aquarell-Collagen, Dresdner Bank Zweigstelle Rotebuhlstraße, Stuttgart 2023 ArteFusion Ölbilder, Messe Stuttgart 2023 Galerie-Preis Thomson Gallery Zug im Rahmen einer Gruppenausstellung, Schweiz 2024 Galerie Schäfer Soloausstellung Eine Reise jenseits des Horizones“ 2024 Arthouse Munich 2024 Gruppenausstellung LDXArtodrome Seit 2021 Permanente Representation Gallery Milmar International, Carmel USA.