Ernst Marow


Ernst Marow (1924-2018) was born in Königsberg / Neumark ( then city of East- Prussia) on April 7, 1934. In Berlin he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts. In 1976, the ZDF broadcast a report about the artist called “Against the Mainstream“, in 1981 he was awarded the “Bernhard-Sprengel-Preis“ for his outstanding graphical oeuvre, and in 1983 the Ministry of Sciences and Art of Lower Saxony dedicated the complete Edition No. 19 of the series „Niedersächsische Künstler der Gegenwart“ solely to Ernst Marow’s person and work. For many decades, Ernst Marow had been represented by the legendary Berlin gallery “Dieter Brusberg”. Dieter Brusberg retired for reasons of age a few years ago, but it was him who had discovered Ernst Marow in 1971 and who also represented the most famous artists of his time: among others Max Ernst, Hans Arp, René Magritte etc. Ernst Marow had lived and worked at Hannover for a long time, however, he has moved to Kiel recently. Being a convinced Realist, Ernst Marow has been steering in the opposite direction against other contemporary tendencies in the arts throughout his life. Hence he, the Realist, remained faithful to an also technically challenging art movement, which had its roots mainly in the 19th century. Nevertheless, he regards Velasquez, Tizian, Goya, Henri Rousseau or Max Beckmann also as important examples for his art. For him, objects, nature or his surroundings are only snapshots of mortality. He regards them as a bridge to immortality. The only reality, which will be everlasting, is his memory. He gained this painful insight when he cast a last glance at his doomed hometown in 1945, which he was never to see again. This sight now continuous to exist in his memory and has therefore become part of the everlasting reality. Whatever is visible becomes a vehicle for the immortal. The viewers of Ernst Marow’s paintings become witnesses of his world view when he depicts his minute observations on the canvas: He paints with the amazed look of a child and thus creates a completely new reality. Ernst Marow is a prolific painter and graphical artist. Not long ago, he has accomplished 105 engravings on Homer’s Ulysses. Here also, his consequent realistic approach enables him to portray the depth of human feelings and the restlessness of the human being per se. Ernst Marow was honoured with numerous exhibitions and awards. His works are to be found in many public and private collections, in Germany and abroad. Since 2013, LDXArtodrome Gallery is representing this most outstanding artist.