Titus Reinartz


Titus Reinarz was born in Bad Honnef (Germany) in 1948. He completed his art studies at the Cologne Werkschulen and at the FH für Kunst und Design Köln (University of Applied Sciences for Art and Design Cologne) in the department of sculpture and architectural sculpture with Professors Kurt Schwippert and Hans Karl Burgeff. He was also a master student of Prof. H.K.Burgeff (FH für Kunst und Design Köln). Due to his artistic quality, he enjoyed the coveted scholarship at the German Academy Villa Massimo in Rome. For 10 years he was a lecturer at the FH für Kunst und Design Köln. Since 1992 he has been working as a freelance artist and lives in Löhndorf/Sinzig near the Rhine. As a sculptor he works with different materials. When he peels his sculptures out of the block of stone, he follows in the Neoplatonic footsteps of Michelangelo: the latter believed that every block of stone already carried a statue within it and that it was the sculptor’s task to discover it. The bronze sculpture process is different. Titus Reinarz first forms a figure out of clay, which is then cast in plaster. The subsequent wax model is cast by the bronze caster. But no matter which method the artist uses – peeling out, building up, printing or casting – his figurative sculptures bear a classical signature in his unmistakable style. Although he seeks a figurative mode of expression, he also suggestively translates abstract themes such as “Flight” or “Listening” in his bronzes. As a modern sculptor, he understands themes once dealt with in biblical stories, such as “Joseph and Mary on their flight to Egypt”, in a more generalised way of human suffering: he now calls the classical biblical scene “Far is the Way” and thus raises it to the level of contemporary migration problems. Titus Reinarz also produces serious portraits alongside this kind of thematic work. With yet other series of works, he gives free rein to his desire for playfulness, discovery or the bizarre. The openness with which he deals with creative possibilities coupled with a mature reflection on life are reflected in the artist’s oeuvre as a whole. His international exhibition activity is crowned by many acquisitions at home and abroad. He has been represented by LDXArtodrome Gallery since 2023.
ARTe Fusion Stuttgart; Incorporation Art Fair Hamburg; MAIN ART Aschaffenburg; ARTe Wiesbaden; ARTe Konstanz; Discovery Art Fair Frankfurt; HanseArt Lübeck; Künstlerforum Bonn; Museum WÜRTH Künzelsau; BODE-Museum Berlin; NOWART InArte Gallery Padua Italien; InArte Gallery Bergamo Italien; ART Innsbruck Österreich.