Roland F. Danner


Roland Friedrich Danner was born in Linz/ Austria in 1964. He was trained as lithographer and commercial artist. Since 2003, he has enlarged his studio by a printmachine shop. Danner´s art works include graphics, paintings, photography and objects which are select finds that he paints on. His present „Concrete works“ are a mixture of computer arranged photography and mixed media which the artist combines in a harmoniuos composition. Using a great variety of media, the artist successfully produces a complex, unique integrative approach of artistic expression.The works are composed in a intricate system of different layers. Danner has shown his works mainly in Europe and is now also represented in Asia and the Unitede States of America by LDXArt Gallery.
2014 Art Fair Köln/DE 2012 Stift Melk/AT 2011 Affordable Art Amsterdam/NL Oskar Kokoschka Haus/AT 2010 Metamorphosis, LDX Beijing, Peking/VR China 2009 Eröffnungsausstellung, Galerie Artodrome, Berlin Artexpo, New York/USA 2008 Museumszentrum Mistelbach/Österreich 2007 Orangerie, Pavillon Josèphine Straßburg/Frankreich Stift Melk/Österreich AKZENTA Graz/Österreich 2006 Generali Galerie Linz/Österreich Kunstmesse Salzburg/Österreich 2005 Internationale Buchmesse Jerusalem/Israel Kammerhofgalerie Gmunden/Österreich Kunstmesse Linz/Österreich Galerie Del Mese-Fischer/Schweiz 2004 Galerie im Stifterhaus Linz/Österreich 2003 Frankfurter Buchmesse 2002 Art Innsbruck/Österreich 2000 Galerie Havanna Linz/Österreich 1993 St. Anna Kappelle Passau 1991 Galerie Forum Wels/Österreich 1990 Hypo Galerie Linz/Österreich