Martina Ossanna


Martina Ossanna was born in Rosenheim in 1969. She completed a two-year course in “Creative Painting” at the Hamburg Academy for Distance Learning and took part in various studio courses and painting trips with Petra Habenstein. The phases of her life in Florence, Munich, Vicenza and The Hague were also artistically formative for her. For her new technique, a combination of screen printing and painting, she received the “Young Art and New Paths” scholarship from the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Art in 2021. She now lives and works in Riemerling (Bavaria). Martina Ossanna’s pictures have a slightly abstract feel, but are still so representational that animals, houses or faces are easily recognizable. The artist playfully uses painting to create the abstract element in her pictures. Her work process often begins with this step. The next, very complex work process consists of producing a screen print, which specifies shapes and structures, i.e. the figurative part. If necessary, it will be recolored. Her technique could therefore be described as ‘screen printing painting’. Stylistically, the artist creates compositions that, as one might say in Asia, move between yin and yang, between the female and the male element, the empty void and the filled space, the part that still allows thinking and the other part which through its figures directs a certain way of thinking. She keeps both elements in balance on the sensory level just as she manages to balance screen printing and painting on the technical level. Thematically, she works in various series, such as the “Munich Series” or the “Asia Series”. Martina Ossana has predominantly exhibited in Germany and has been represented by LDXArtodrome Gallery since 2024.
2019 • EPA-Künstler Ausstellung, Europäisches Patentamt München • Einzelausstellung im eigenen Atelier 2021 • Jahresausstellung des Kunstvereins Ottobrunn 2022 • Mitgliederausstellung des Kunstvereins Ottobrunn • Einzelausstellung „Siebdruck und Malerei – eine Fusion“ in der Galerie Treffpunkt Kunst in Ottobrunn