Marita Tobner


Marita Tobner was born on 20 August 1961 in Ulm (Germany). Since 1985, she has regularly attended art classes and participated in many workshops around the topics of painting and graphical art with well-known artists. Among her teachers are Clemens Erz, Wladimir Safronow, Elke Traue, Georg Fenkl, Angelika Hentschel, Albert Kippers and Stephan Geisler. Marita Tobner lives and works as freelance artist in Ulm. In 2019 she won the Gildepreis of the Künstlergilde (artist association) Ulm. Marita Tobner gives expression to her love for life in her art works. Usually she works in series and explores different mixed media techniques by using acrylics, oil, woodcuts or linocuts, collages, painting and drawing. Her multilayered compositions can be read as an analogy to the many layers of life, the plurality of her own experiences, of personal issues and social matters. Her images speak of subjective, inward visions but also try to change perspectives and look outward onto life and living as a whole. Both views are interwoven and composed as if they were in a dialogue with each other. The artist loves strong powerful colours and a combination of different styles in order to catch the attention of her viewers.  These tensions of portraying contents also create intensity. Her pictures never get boring, for all the time one can discover new things. This certainly is one of the reasons why her paintings have gained much in popularity over the past years. Marita Tobner´s works were shown in numerous exhibitions. The LDXArt Gallery has represented her internationally since 2018.
2020 10. Januar bis 12. Januar 2020 Internationale Kunstmesse Neue Art Dresden (vertreten durch Galerie Abstrakte Momente, Dresden), Deutschland 2019 Internationale Kunstmesse Art Miami, USA Artbox Project Merry Christmas Ausstellung, Galerie [KUN:ST] International Leonberg, Deutschland „Spiegelbilder und anderes“ Galerie Abstrakte Momente, Dresden Internationale Kunstmesse Swiss Art Expo Zürich, Schweiz (Artbox Project) * Internationale Kunstmesse Art Endingen * Gallery Weekend Berlin, LDXArtodrome Gallery, Berlin Internationale Kunstmesse Art Expo New York, USA (am Stand [KUN:ST] International Stuttgart) Jahresausstellung Künstlergilde Ulm * Silent Perseptions, Grace Denker Gallery Hamburg * VII. Editionsausstellung, LDXArtodrome Gallery Valletta, Malta 2018 Internationale Kunstmesse ARTe Sindelfingen (am Stand [KUN:ST] International Stuttgart) “Kunstpreisausstellung 2018” Internationale Kunstmesse Coburg Internationale Kunstmesse ART Endingen * Artbox Projekt New York 1.0 Stricoff Gallery New York, Chelsea, USA* LDXArtodrome Gallery Berlin “Neues aus den Ateliers” Internationale Kunstmesse ARTFAIR Lucca, Italien (vertreten am Stand LDXArtodrome Gallery Berlin) Internationale Kunstmesse Biennale Padua KUN:ST International Galerie Leonberg “Abstrakt” Internationale Kunstmesse MAG Montreux Art Gallery/ Salon d’Art Contemporain, Schweiz (vertreten am Stand der Galerie Alpha 7 Weisweil) Jahresausstellung Kunstverein Neu-Ulm, Edwin Scharff Haus * LDXArtodrome Gallery Valletta, Malta “VII. Editionsausstellung” Galerie Kerstan Stuttgart “Merry Christmas” Kunstverein Senden “the seventies”, Bürgerhaus Senden * 2017 Anschnitt Galerie für Kunst & Design Dortmund “PostkART-Projekt” Jahresausstellung Künstlergilde Ulm * Galerie der Künstlergilde Ulm (Einzel) Jahresausstellung Kunstverein Neu-Ulm, Edwin-Scharff-Haus* Galerie Forum Türk Nürtingen “Merry Christmas” * Internationale Kunstmesse Kunstschimmer Ulm Internationale Kunstmesse Umschlagplatz Coburg