Marc Abele


Marc Abele was born on July 27, 1968 at Besigheim/ Germany and grew up at Walheim/Neckar. In 1988 he took up his studies of Free Painting at the Free Art School Stuttgart and worked as documentary draughtsman. Since 2002, he has maintained his own studio at Stuttgart and at Heilbronn. The artist Marc Abele calls himself a “Bildnotierer” (a person noting down images). His works expressively document the movement, which his brush and his pen evoke. Basing his inspiration on a verbal motto, the artist liberates a multitude of images in his mind, which he then transfers into a symbolic image language that he notes down on the image surface. Thus he makes use of a never- ceasing source of image intuitions. This source seems to have the effect of a magnet because it seems to drew together sheer endless possibilities, which inspire further thought processes and new image-findings. In a way, this is a form of over-coming prejudices, an inner growth of Geist in an evolutionary sense. The artist thus makes use of the opportunity to create more and more images in a perpetual process of intuition in order to discuss the question of the “whatsoever” beyond any kind of categories. Marc Abele has mainly exhibited his works in the German speaking countries. Since 2016 LDXArt Gallery has represented Marc Abele on various international platforms. .