Günter Wideburg


Günter Wideburg was born in Kaufbeuren in 1965. On his numerous travels as an entrepreneur in the field of product development, he got to know the world in a way that now fundamentally influences him as an artist who trained at the Schraf art school (Ravensburg). He lives and works in Weingarten near Lake Constance. His works are usually created in acrylic on canvas and can be viewed as contemporary witnesses or commentaries that deal with social problems. They involuntarily and with great urgency develop a dialogue with their audience. In doing so, they invite reflection and storytelling, which can, however, be just as diverse as the many people who appear to take on different social roles in the pictures or who, in their role play, point to certain social evils or underlying dangers. His pictures deal with the power apparatus of the state on the one hand, and with the fate and concerns of individuals on the other, with digitalization and the dangers associated with it. Thus, they fit into many of the ideas expressed by the philosopher Jürgen Habermas. The number of topics could be continued. His pictures can be the beginning of a social dialogue that not only makes society think, but also wants to shake it up: they are calls for positive change. Günter Wideburg has so far exhibited his works primarily in Germany. He has been represented by LDXArt Gallery since 2025.
17.01. – 23,02.2024 Echt Jetzt! Vortäuschung falscher Tatsachen im Heilig Geist Spital Ravensburg 08.03. – 27,03.2024 Vorhänge. Öffnen und verschließen, zeigen und verbergen, 47. Kunstpreis der Kulturstiftung der Sparkasse Karlsruhe