Paul Wans


Paul Wans was born in Straelen/ Germany on 31st March 1957. At the University of Duisburg he studied Painting and Graphic Art as well as Art History and Art Education. He finished his studies with a degree (Staatsexamen) and has been working as freelance artist since 1981. Almost all his works deal with the subject of agriculture. His technical skills are comparable to those used in the epoch of realism, but his works stand in clear contrast to it what the subject is concerned. Animals are placed into these landscapes as if they did not belong to them but into a branch of human food industry. These critical depictions, which sometimes are combined with elements of the classical interior and still- life- paintings, form an individual subject within the “magic realism” –according to the critic Walter Filz who has called the landscapes by Paul Wans “Agriculture- Painting”. For 30 years Paul Wans has shown his works in numerous exhibitions worldwide.
2014 Humor in der K., Städt. Museum Klakar und Städt. Galerie Brüggen; Edition III, LDXArtodrome Gallery Berlin II 2013 Twilight, Malta LDXArtodrome Gallery; Art Beijing/China, LDXArtodrome Gallery Berlin II 2012 Natur-Mensch, Städt. Galerie, St. Andreasberg/Harz II 2010 Paul Wans, Malerei und Zeichnung, Kunstmuseum Heylshof, Worms; Gier, Galerie Artodrome, Berlin II 2009 Bridge Art Fair, New York City/USA; 28. Lineart Gent (BEL); 20 Jahre Mauerfall, Berlin//Berlin, Galerie Artodrome Berlin II 2008 60 Jahre BBK NRW, Kunsthalle BBK Köln; 30. artexpo New York, Javits Center New York City/USA II 2007 15. Int. Kunstausstellung FORMA(R)T, Hamburg/Glinde II 2006 Stall-Land-Vieh, Paul Wans, Aquarelle, Museum Haus Lawaczeck, Kerken II 2005 Vier niederrheinische Künstler, Cubus Kunsthalle Duisburg II 2003 Wasser am Niederrhein, Kunstpreisausstellung, Bühnenhaus Kevelaer II 2002 Kuh-Kunst, Städtisches Museum Bislich II 2001 Städtische Galerie Bury St. Edmunds/Großbritannien II 1994 tierisch ländlich, Paul Wans, Museum Kevelaer II 1993 Städtische Galerie Huis Kernhem, Ede/Niederlande 1989 Städt. Galerie Haus Hartmann, Grevenbroich II 1988 Galerie Kunst im Turm, Kleve II 1987 Große Kunstausstellung NRW, Kunstmuseum Ehrenhof Düsseldorf II 1986 Landwirtschaften – Paul Wans, Galerie Peschken, Krefeld II 1985 Hamaland-Museum, Vreden/Niederlande; Das Aquarell, Städtisches Museum, Mülheim II 1984 Städtisches Kramer-Museum, Kempen II 1978 Galerie Kunststiftung Ghi, Rom / Italien Kunstpreise: 2009 Kulturpreis für Bildende Kunst im Kreis Kleve (1. Preis); 2004 Südwestdeutscher Aquarellpreis der Stadt Völklingen; 1981 Int. Aquarellpreis der Kunststiftung Ghi, Rom (6. Preis); 1978 Int. Aquarellpreis der Kunststiftung Ghi in Rom (2. Preis)