Dagmar Schad


Dagmar Schad was born in Stettin/Germany in 1944. First she was concerned with sculpture and painting. The art academies at Trier, Bad Reichenhall and Kolbermoor as well as the Städelschule Frankfurt gave her the opportunity to continue her training in the fine arts. She took classes with Hermann Nitsch, Markus Lüpertz, Peter Tomschiscek und Bernd Zimmer. She lives and works as freelance artist in Aschaffenburg. Dagma Schad´s paintings have something in common with what Jean-François Lyotard said about modernism. To him modernism reflects the “sublime” in the sense of the vast, grand, threatening and chaotic powers which Immanuel Kant had attributed to the sublime before him. The artist´s abstract depictions are dedicated to the topics of the environment, the idea of being at the mercy of the natural powers and human stupidity. The sense of “boundlessness” and “force” is supported by the powerful, expressive gestures of her brushstrokes. Even though she made up her mind about the meanings of certain colors– such as that carmine red stands for power and death, blue for distance, eternity and solitude–, her paintings are supposed no more than the aesthetic frame for possible thoughts which must be perfected by the viewers themselves. Dagmar Schad has had numerous exhibitions in Europe and has been represented by LDXArt Gallery since 2020.
1998/99 Galerie Gudrun Seisser, Kronberg/Taunus 2001/06/09/12/15 Gewölbegalerie Glattbach 2003 Städtische Galerie Aschaffenburg, „Mensch und Stadt“ 2011 Abschlussausstellung Seminar Hermann Nitsch 2012, 2013/14 Galerie „Kunstwerk“ Wolfgang Winkler, Berlin 2012 Galerie Rudolf Pigneter, Kitzbühel, Österreich 2014 Städtisches Kulturinstitut „Inkubator Kultury“ , Stettin, Polen (Retrospektive) 2014 Innsbruck, Österreich 2014/15 Galerie „Art and Old“, Nathalia Henkel, Berlin 2016 Galleria Antonio Battaglia, Milano, Italien 2016 Galerie Maggy Stein, Chateau Bettembourg, Luxemburg 2018 Studio Via Maraldi, Günther Greff, Perinaldo, Italien 2018 Castello Vecchio, Verona, Italien, Kaiserliche Hofburg, Innsbruck, Österreich, c.o. Spessartmuseum, Lohr