Antje Schlaud


Antje Schlaud was born in Passau/Germany on 26 September 1959. She studied Financial Studies and Business Studies and worked in the international industry for a long time. In 2014, after some intensive training in the arts – among others at the Academy for Fine Arts Kolbermoor with Elvira Bach, the Art Academy Bad Reichenhall, the Art Academy of the Catholic Social Institute Bad Honnef as well as at the European Cultural Center Remagen – she decided to live and work as freelance artist in Remagen (Rhine area). Her artistic work, which may be dubbed „expressive realism“, has focused on strong women since 2012. Her resolute brush strokes are passionate echoes of the supremacy of the mythological sirens in Ulysses by Homer. They represent the woman as a multifaceted being, partly cheeky, sometimes bored, both bold as well as sometimes melancholic; some of her heroines prefer solitude, others rather cherish each other´s company. Besides her favourite topic of the strong female figure, she occasionally also paints portraits, homes, flowers and landscapes. Before 2017, Antje Schlaud especially exhibited her works in Germany and France. However, since being represented by LDXArt Gallery, her works have also found recognition outside Europe.
Einzelausstellungen – Kongress- und Kulturcenter Pontresina/Schweiz (2014/15) – ComVita – Physiotherapiezentrum bei Deutsche Telekom AG – Bonn (2016) – Galerie Schuch – Linz a.Rh. (2011), Gemeinschaftsausstellungen – Teilnahme am Salon des Arts Sartrouville/Frankreich – juriert (2012/13/14/15/16) – Ehemalige Synagoge Ahrweiler (2011/14/17) – Struktur- und Genehmigungsdirektion Nord Koblenz (Kunstschau der Kunstakademie Rheinland e.V.) (2016) – Künstlerforum Remagen (2013/14) – Le-Mesnil-le-Roi/Frankreich (2012) – Junges Forum Kunst Siegburg (2015) – Ehemalige Synagoge Niederzissen (2017) – Kloster Maria Laach (2017) – Kunstsalon Remagen (2009/10/11/12/13/14/15) – Salzachhalle Laufen (2015/16/17) – LDXArtodrome Gallery Berlin (2017) – Shanghai Artfair/China (2017) – LDXArtodrome Gallery Malta (2017/18)