Andreas Hürlimann


Andreas Hürlimann was born on 13th September 1960 in Zurich (Switzerland). On the one hand he holds a PhD in Medicine (Dermatology), on the other hand he has worked as an artist since 1978. As a professional art photographer, he has been traveling all over the world for more than 40 years collecting material for his abstract works. His first photo-art- portfolio was published in 1979. He lives and works in Zurich. Andreas Hürlimann is particularly interested in surface structures, the effect of different light conditions and monochrome color compositions. In everyday life, nature’s abstract wealth of detail tends to get lost because people often generalize, categorize and schematize them much too quickly. Hürlimann succeeds in slowing down this viewing process. The photographic references to the beauty of nature encourage meditative looking, the appreciation of enigmatic shadow plays, patterns and structures. Daily and seasonal times make the same motifs appear in a totally new light. Hürlimann’s art is to capture the familiar in a strange, unique, abstractly exaggerated beautiful mood, so that nature itself is given a new value. Andreas Hürlimann has won several art prizes and can look back on a lively exhibition activity with various solo and group exhibitions. Since 2019 he is represented by LDXArtodrome Gallery at international exhibitions.
2019 ArtExpo, New York/USA • 2019 Galerie KUN:ST Quartier, “Louvens ArtCircle”, Leonberg/D • 2019 Einzelausstellung Galerie des Arboretums der Universität Breslau/PL • 2019 Kunstpreis-Ausstellung ARTe, Leonberg/D (Andreas Hürlimann 1. Preis Kategorie Kunstfotografie) • 2019 ARTe Sindelfingen/D • 2019 Ausstellung Museum Ziemi, Polnische Akademie der Wissenschaften, ZPFP Warschau, Fotograf des Jahres 2019, Warschau/PL • 2019 Einzelausstellung Galerie der Kunstfotografen (ZPAF), Torun/PL • 2018 Einzelausstellung Galerie Atelier TonArt, Hombrechtikon/CH • 2018 Art Fair, Warschau/PL • 2018 Einzelausstellung Galerie der Kunstfotografen (LTF), Lodz/PL • 2018 Einzelausstellung Museum Ziemi, Polnische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Warschau/PL • 2018 Einzelausstellung Galerie Trzecie Oko, Krakau/PL • 2018 ARTe Sindelfingen/D • 2017 Galerie Atelier TonArt, Hombrechtikon/CH • 2017 Einzelausstellung Centrum Kultury Zamek, Breslau/PL • 2017 Einzelausstellung Galerie Ney Gallery&Prints, Warschau/PL • 2017 Galerie Atelier TonArt, Hombrechtikon/CH • 2017 ARTe Sindelfingen/D • 2016 Galerie Kunstraum Wien/A • 2016 Artischock, Zollikon/CH • 2016 Einzelausstellung Galerie Atelier TonArt, Hombrechtikon/CH